Goals of campaign optimization in Yandex Direct

Optimizing an advertising campaign: how to increase the effectiveness of promotion in Yandex Direct

In order for an advertising campaign to bring good results, it must be optimized regularly. We talk about the goals, methods and strategies of advertising optimization. Why do you need advertising optimization? Campaign optimization goals in Yandex Direct Advertising Campaign Optimization Methods Contextual Advertising Optimization Strategies Expert advice Why do you need advertising optimization? Advertising…

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How Performance Marketing Works

How to Make Money with Performance Marketing

Performance marketing is a promotion strategy whose results can be measured and their impact on business can be determined. Let’s look at the channels and tools used in performance projects. What is performance marketing How Performance Marketing Works Performance Marketing Tools Performance Marketing Channels Analytics in performance An example of using performance marketing Expert advice…

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Types of demand

Analysis of product demand

Demand is unstable: today a product is bought, but in a month it is not. To influence demand, it needs to be analyzed. Let’s figure out how to do this. Types of demand How demand is formed: main factors Why conduct demand analysis? Demand Analysis Methods Expert advice Types of demand Demand is the desire…

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What is SMM promotion

What is SMM promotion

More than half of the world’s population uses social networks. It is natural that each brand has its own page. We tell you how to promote a business on social networks. What is SMM promotion Who is social media promotion suitable for? Types and tools of SMM promotion Advantages and disadvantages of SMM Features of…

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