How to Tell About a Brand So It Will Be Remembered: Rules for Effective Promotion

What is brand promotion

We will tell you what brand promotion is in marketing and why it is needed. We will understand the goals, promotion tools and how to create a strategy and evaluate its effectiveness.

What is brand promotion

Objectives and types of brand promotion

Preparing for promotion

How to Develop a Brand Promotion Strategy

Promotion channels

Promotion tools and methods

How to evaluate the effectiveness of promotion

Expert advice

What is brand promotion

A brand is an image that appears in the minds of buyers when products, services or, for example, the name of a company are mentioned. A brand demonstrates the uniqueness of a business or product, distinguishing it from competitors. But not every trademark has its own brand. For this, it must be recognized by as many people as possible.

When a person thinks about coffee, he or she associates it with Nescafe, Jardin or Tchibo. Regarding sports shoes, it is Nike, Adidas or Puma. When it comes to smartphones, it is iPhone, Samsung or Huawei. These brands have become ingrained in the audience’s consciousness. Others need to promote their brands to be in the Top of mind.

Promotion is everything that forms an image and recognition, conveys the advantages of a trademark to the target audience . Let’s talk in more detail about what it includes.

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Objectives and types of brand promotion

The goals of brand promotion are related to the goals of the business. To understand and analyze them, the brand manager must work in conjunction with the company’s manager.

This is what the relationship between business, marketing and communications goals looks like.

There are two main goals of brand promotion: to increase profits and to increase consumer awareness of products or services. The goals also depend on what stage of the life cycle the brand is at. There are four stages of this cycle: birth, growth or entry into the market, maturity, decline.

Each stage of the life cycle has its own promotion goals:

When a brand has just appeared, the goal of brand promotion is to create recognition and demand.

At the growth stage, the goal is to create memorability. The brand has characteristics (color, symbol, phrase, music), and the audience should know them.

At the maturity stage, the goals may be to increase market share, attract new customers, and build awareness—when people remember not only the name, but also the visual style and specific products.

During the saturation or decline stage, it is important to maintain the brand image and build customer loyalty so that they return for repeat purchases.

Objectives and types of brand promotion

Preparing for promotion

Promotion begins with market analysis , key trends, consumer and competitor behavior. It is also necessary to evaluate the brand’s resources, its place in the minds of the target audience, its strengths and weaknesses. This can be done in several ways:

1.● study search queries – for example, using Yandex.Wordstat;

2.● track brand mentions in the media – for example, Brand Analytics helps with this;

3.● conduct surveys of the target audience.

How to Develop a Brand Promotion Strategy

Developing a brand promotion strategy consists of four elements:

1.● Product: what goods and services the company will bring to market under the brand.

2.● Price: price range and discounts, loyalty system.

3.● Communication: how the brand communicates with consumers, with what ToV . How it motivates the audience to buy.

4.● Development of sales channels: where to sell the brand, what tools to use and how to expand geography.

After working through all four elements of the strategy, the brand manager creates a calendar plan of events, defends the budget, implements the strategy, and then evaluates its effectiveness. You can learn all this from scratch on the Brand Manager course.

Promotion channels

Promotion channels are the places, services, and platforms through which a company communicates information about the brand to consumers. The choice of channels depends on the target audience and budget. Here are the options:

1.● television and radio,

2.● print media,

3.● outdoor advertising,

4.● social networks,

5.● exhibitions and other offline events.

Promotion tools and methods

In promotion channels, you can tell about the brand using different tools, use them separately or in combination. Here are some popular methods:

1.● PR at events and in the media;

2.●  SEO (Search Engine Optimization);

3.● SMM (social media marketing);

4.● Contextual and targeted advertising;

5.● Content marketing;

6.● Chatbots, messengers, email newsletters;

7.● Advertising in the media;

8.● Speeches by company representatives at events: press conferences, exhibitions, business breakfasts;

9.● Viral advertising, guerrilla marketing;

10.● Promotions on the street, in stores, on the company’s and partners’ websites;

11.● Product presentations at exhibitions;

12.● Collaborations with bloggers, celebrities

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How to evaluate the effectiveness of promotion

The final stage of the brand promotion strategy is the evaluation of effectiveness and control. The brand manager must analyze the results and formulate hypotheses on where to move next.

How to measure effectiveness

Brand health tracking is a study that evaluates the “health” of a brand. It can help you understand how well the audience knows the brand, whether they are loyal to it, what its reputation is, and how often they buy products.

The “health” of a brand after advertising campaigns is studied in the same way as before them: through surveys, customer feedback, monitoring of mentions in the media (for example, using Brand Analytics), tracking search queries.

Another way is to take two groups of people (one who has seen the advertising campaign, the other who has not) and talk to them about the brand. The difference in the answers will reflect the effect of the promotion. It will show how the audience’s perception of the company, products or services has changed.

The brand manager also has metrics by which he evaluates the effectiveness of promotion. And they depend on the communication channels.