Digital Technology in Education

What is the Use of Digital Technology in Education?

The use of digital technology in education has grown essential, changing both the way teachers and students are taught. Globally, the use of technology has brought about a transformation in educational institutions through the use of interactive learning tools and virtual classrooms. However, just how is digital technology used in education? We’ll look at how…

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What is media advertising

“Catch a fish, big and small”: how media advertising works

We tell you how display advertising makes users perform a target action two months after being shown. What is media advertising Differences from contextual advertising Online Media Advertising Formats Advantages and disadvantages Setting up and placing advertisements How to evaluate the effectiveness of media advertising Expert advice What is media advertising Display advertising is advertising…

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Why brands need influencers

How Influencers Help Brands Make Money

Direct advertising in the media is working worse and worse, so companies are starting to collaborate more often with influencers whose audience shares the brand’s values. Let’s figure out how it all works. Who are influencers and what do they do? Why brands need influencers Types of Influencers Options for collaborating with an influencer How…

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