Text for a product card: how to write and optimize it correctly

Marketplaces' requirements for content

Informative text on the product card attracts buyers’ attention and influences traffic generation. We found out what to write and what content requirements marketplaces have.

What should the text for a marketplace be like?

Marketplaces’ requirements for content

Text optimization for the marketplace

Keyword selection

How to fill out a product card correctly: name, characteristics, description

Expert advice

What should the text for a marketplace be like?

The user evaluates the properties of the product on the marketplace not only by photo and video materials, but also by the text on the cards. To make it easier for the buyer to do this, the text should be:

1.● informative,

2.● useful,

3.● unique,

4.● written in understandable language,

5.● without fluff and bureaucratic descriptions,

6.● without duplicate characteristics and properties.

Here are four rules to follow when preparing such a text:

1. Attract the buyer’s attention

The user will see the card text only if he clicks on it. If he chose it among hundreds of similar ones, then something caught his attention – the keyword in the title, the picture, the color or the price.

2. Describe the product in detail

The text description of the product should reveal its properties and answer possible questions from the buyer. For example, if the photo shows a black oversized T-shirt, the text should describe its properties and characteristics. For example: “a black men’s oversized T-shirt made of lightweight fabric that will be comfortable in the summer.”

3. Avoid repetitions

It is important that the text in the description does not repeat the characteristics specified in the product card. If it is already written that the T-shirt is made of 100% cotton, there is no need to duplicate this in the text, it is better to add new information.

4. Solve the user’s problem

The product description should help the buyer make a choice. Texts written for a person work better than robotic descriptions. Another equally important task of the text is promotion, that is, generating additional traffic. And the better the card meets the user’s requests, the better it will rank. And that means more people will see it.

Artificial intelligence can be used to create text in product cards . It will cope with this task better than a novice copywriter, but worse than an experienced content manager who understands the topic.

You can learn about SEO promotion on marketplaces and learn how to create “selling” product cards on the course “Marketplace Manager”. After payment, we open 30 days of free access to the Moneyplace analytics service.

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Marketplaces’ requirements for content

Technical requirements

regulate the uniformity of the title and description: text formatting options, length, use of special characters and tools, such as HTML tags.

Each marketplace has its own technical requirements , but there are also general rules: for example, a ban on the use of capital letters and bold font in titles. Ozon does not allow the use of the following characters in the name:

1.● trademark ™ ;

2.● copyright sign © ;

3.● registered mark ® ;

4.● [ ] , = , \ , «‎ »‎ , etc.

Text optimization for the marketplace

The text on the product card affects not only sales, but also organic traffic, this is an important part of promotion. There are many recipes for optimizing texts for marketplaces, but there is no universal solution that would always work for everyone.

One way is to track the frequency of queries. You can check it yourself on Wordstat or with the help of specialized services, such as Stat4Market , SellerStats or SellerMoon .

Some sellers start promoting the card by low-frequency queries that are least searched for. For example, “black oversized long T-shirt for men.” After the first orders, mid-frequency queries are gradually added, and then high-frequency ones.

Another option is to immediately work on high-frequency queries. For example, “oversized black T-shirt”. They have more traffic than low-frequency queries, which means the probability of conversion is higher. In this case, you need to consider the seller’s own capabilities – whether there is the required amount of goods in warehouses and the ability to quickly buy and deliver it.

Text optimization for the marketplace

Keyword selection

On Ozon and Wildberries marketplaces, it is better to use a small number of precise keys, up to twenty words. They should be high-frequency – it is convenient to use Wordstat to determine them .

To determine the main keywords, you need to write down the main query – usually this is the name of the product plus the words “buy” or “price”. The queries that appear at the top of the search results are the main keywords.

Some highly specialized services, such as Stat4Market or MARketPLAce, offer to look at competitors’ keywords by product code. The function is interesting, but you still need to figure out how to use this information in accordance with the seller’s strategy. Simply copying competitors’ texts and meanings often leads to an artificial decrease in search results – this process is called pessimization. Another thing is to be inspired by the findings and try to adapt them to your own texts: for example, collect the advantages in a column, make interesting infographics, etc.

How to fill out a product card correctly: name, characteristics, description

The rules for filling out cards are described in the manuals of each marketplace – first of all, you need to focus on this information. It is important to remember that the requirements for content are constantly changing, and to monitor updates. This can be done either in the seller’s personal account, like Wildberries , or in a replenishable database – for example, Ozon and SberMegaMarket have it publicly available.

The data in the card is filled in when it is created; subsequently, the seller has the opportunity to edit the information.


The length of the name is strictly regulated, and Ozon additionally specifies the maximum length of one word – 27 characters.


Characteristics or parameters are a set of product properties that are useful to the buyer when choosing, which are not included in the description and which cannot be shown in photographs or videos. The seller specifies the characteristics when creating a product card, they can be edited later.

The characteristics are divided into two parts:

●  mandatory

for example, category and article. Without this information, it will not be possible to create a card.

●  additional

for example, the type of neckline on a T-shirt, the presence of decorative elements, cut, etc. Such characteristics complement the description and help to display certain product categories in related sections, thereby attracting the attention of buyers and increasing the number of views.


The description is the largest part of the text in the card, it contains information about the product, its properties and options for use. A concise and informative description helps the buyer get a more complete idea of ​​the product and make a purchase decision.

Marketplaces strictly regulate the size of the description.

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Maximum description length, characters







Let’s consider the requirements for a text description using Ozon as an example:

1.● contains factual information about the product: what it is made of, how it is used, what its features and advantages are;

2.● does not consist of lists;

3.● does not include the words “analogue”, “counterfeit”, “copy”, “copy”, “replica”, “1:1”, “based on”, “original”, “original”, “genuine”, since it is prohibited to sell copies of goods on Ozon;

4.● does not contain unnecessary or misleading information, an excess of hieroglyphs, a list of keywords, links, advertising information, delivery terms, any calls to action and transliterated lexemes.