The Power of Attraction: How to Create a Lead Magnet That Will Increase Conversion

How to Create an Effective Lead Magnet

Marketers use different tools to introduce potential customers to a company’s products. A lead magnet is the easiest way to attract attention.

What is a lead magnet?

Why do you need a lead magnet?

How to Create an Effective Lead Magnet

What types of lead magnets are there?

Ideas and examples of using lead magnets

Expert advice

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What is a lead magnet?

A lead magnet is literally a “lead magnet,” a product that attracts customers.

A lead magnet is usually a free material that a user can quickly study and implement. For example, an online store owner might be interested in downloading a “Website Usability Check” checklist to assess the condition of the pages.

If a potential buyer, in search of a solution to their problems, first saw an advertisement that could solve their problem, this does not mean that they will immediately buy the product. The person is not yet familiar with the company and has little trust in it. A lead magnet helps establish trust and build a further sales funnel .

Why do you need a lead magnet?

The main purpose of using a lead magnet in marketing is to show a potential client the value of a company’s paid product or service. In addition, the tool helps solve several other problems:

●  Save on advertising

Ads that offer a free product or service have a lower cost per click than ads that sell directly to you.

●  Filter out non-target clients

When a user is not interested in a company’s offer, they will not leave their contacts or download free material. It turns out that if a person does not need a lead magnet, then there is no need for a paid product yet. And vice versa, if the material helps answer the user’s question, the likelihood that they will be interested in other products of the company is higher.

●  Demonstrate value or expertise.

Indeed, a useful lead magnet can evoke the following emotions in the user: “If the company has such a cool free product, then it can be trusted and buy other goods or services.” This way, the potential client is ready to take the next step and become a buyer.

How to Create an Effective Lead Magnet

In order for the tool to work and encourage users to take further steps along the sales funnel, the traffic manager needs to follow the basic rules for creating a lead magnet:

1. Write clearly and simply.

Sometimes experts make lead magnets with ornate wording that is understandable only to specialists, not ordinary people. In order for people to want to download free material, it should have a simple and clear name or title. And if the lead magnet specifies what problem it solves, that’s half the battle.

If you make a clear lead magnet that your target audience really needs, it will be downloaded more often than scrolled through in the feed or advertising messages. As a result, the conversion will be higher.

2. Offer benefits.

Sometimes, lead magnets use commonly known or outdated information. Not only are such materials unnecessary for the target audience, but they can also undermine trust in the company or expert.

Users receive a lot of information from different sources every day. In order for the material to hook a potential client, the lead magnet should be brief: the user downloads and immediately applies the recommendations.

3. Add a call to action.

Free material is the user’s first step towards a purchase. To let a person know what else the company or expert offers, it is worth mentioning paid products or services at the end of the lead magnet. This does not necessarily have to be a flagship product. As a rule, a starter product is offered in the lead magnet, that is, something inexpensive that will further help the user in solving their problems. For example, a business accounting agency offers cases as a lead magnet, and at the next stage – a series of consultations according to the “3 for the price of 2” scheme, that is, the client receives three consultations and pays for two. This way, the user gradually gets used to buying from this company.

4. Make the lead magnet easily accessible.

If a person is already interested in the lead magnet, they should receive it instantly by email or messenger. If several hours pass and the user does not see why they left their contacts, there is a high probability that they will not remember the offer later, will not want to open it, or will find a faster way to get an answer to their question, for example, by contacting competitors.

A marketer has many tools in his arsenal that help attract customers and build sales funnels. In the “Traffic Manager” course, students use practical examples to understand what is best to use and in what situations.

What types of lead magnets are there?

What a company’s free product will look like depends on the business’s area of ​​activity and how it operates: online only, offline, or in combination. Among the different types of lead magnets, the following are the main ones:

●  Informational materials

These are lead magnets that solve some problem of the target audience : brochures, checklists, instructions, guides, cases, test video lessons, lists of mistakes that users want to avoid.

●  Trial periods

They are usually used by online services that work on a subscription basis, such as online cinemas, games, meditation apps, and book reading apps. Depending on the service, the trial period can be from 7 to 30 days.

●  Discounts on the first order

This is a conditionally free format of lead magnet, which is used by online stores, restaurants, hotels. In exchange for contacts, the company offers a significant discount on the first order or a volume discount, for example, “3 for the price of 2”.

additional discount

3rd night free

● Free services

Such lead magnets are offered by offline stores, experts, companies that provide any kind of services. For example, a cosmetics store offers free makeup or manicure. A kitchen furniture company offers a design project as a gift when ordering a set, and an SEO agency conducts a free website audit.

design project

website audit

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Ideas and examples of using lead magnets

To create a useful lead magnet that will increase conversion , a marketer needs to consider the specifics of the business and the interests of the target audience. Here are some ideas on how to use free materials in different areas.

Ideas and examples of using lead magnets

Lead magnet for an ethno hotel

The target audience is tourists and those who come on business trips. For travelers who are looking for accommodation options, we prepared a lead magnet – a guide to the sights of Izhevsk. The map showed places worth visiting and a walking route. One of the points on the route was the ethno hotel and they told about it in more detail: what rooms there are, how you can spend time, for example, go to a bathhouse with Udmurt flavor or try signature dishes in the restaurant. Such a guide was well downloaded, and the hotel’s marketers received contacts of potential clients and built their further path through the sales funnel.

Lead magnet for a restaurant

The target audience is city residents. Those who subscribed to the restaurant’s news were given a dessert. With the help of such a lead magnet, it was possible to increase the restaurant’s attendance by a third.

Lead magnet for a construction company

The target audience is land owners who are planning to build a house. As a lead magnet, the company offered a collection of “100 country house projects”.

Lead magnet for doctors

The target audience is doctors who are about to undergo another accreditation. A lead magnet was developed for them in the form of preparation instructions: the stages were listed, a list of necessary documents was compiled with tips on where and when to submit them.

Lead magnet for a marketer

The target audience is owners of micro and small businesses who independently manage their companies’ social networks. Usually, in such a situation, the entrepreneur does not have time to create a content plan for publications, so it is not possible to regularly manage the account. As a lead magnet, we used a collection of “50 ideas for posts”. A post with free material was launched into advertising and increased conversion to subscription.