We’ll look at how to launch ads in the messenger, how bots can help, and whether it’s true that the Telegram Ads account is complicated and advertising there is expensive.
1.Types of advertising in Telegram
2.Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertising in Telegram
3.How Telegram Ads Works
4.How much does advertising in channels cost and how to buy it
5.How to Launch Advertising in Telegram
6.How to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising
7.Expert advice
Types of advertising in Telegram
Table of Contents
There are two types of advertising in Telegram: official with Telegram Ads and seeding.
Telegram Ads are 160-character ads with a call to action and the “sponsored” tag. Users see them at the bottom of the page in channels with more than 1,000 subscribers.
Paid advertising in Telegram appeared in the fall of 2021 and was initially unavailable to many advertisers due to advertising budget requirements – the account had to have 2 million euros. One million was frozen as a deposit, and the second went to pay for advertising.
Since then, the situation has changed: the account balance limit is about 3,000 euros. However, this option is also not always suitable, so advertisers turn to intermediaries. Intermediaries are large companies that can provide access to their account. An agency employee gives the advertiser access to the Telegram Ad Platform personal account, where he independently sets up advertising with payment by CPM (from English Cost Per Mille), per thousand impressions.
Seeding is the paid placement of advertisements in popular channels:
The marketer checks the channels manually, selects suitable ones and negotiates with the administrators or owner about the publication. In order not to get caught on channels with a fake and “dead” audience, the specialist studies the analytics: subscriber growth, post coverage and reposts. Statistics are collected through paid Telemetr and free TGStat . On the graphs, you can track subscription peaks and check whether there were any advertising placements during this period. If not, then an unscrupulous administrator has faked bots. Such channels should be avoided. A checklist will help you figure out whether a channel is suitable or not .
If you don’t have time to browse channels yourself, you can buy integration on exchanges like Telega.in or Perfluence . The owners of these services have already compiled catalogs of channels by topic and checked them for “live” subscribers – this saves advertisers a lot of time.
It is enough to register, select a suitable list of channels, top up the balance and create an advertisement. The channel owner will publish the post and send a link for verification. The advertiser can download a report on the results of the placement.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertising in Telegram
In 2022, Telegram was among the top five most downloaded apps in the world — 700 million people actively use the messenger per month. However, there are still many questions about the effectiveness of advertising in Telegram. Let’s look at its pros and cons.
✅ In 2022, some advertising platforms in Russia became unavailable. Telegram is one of the few where you can pay for advertising without any difficulties.
✅ Over the past six months, users have been actively switching to Telegram, and advertisers have been following the audience. For example, they have started buying placements in Telegram more often and attracting more people to their online schools. According to GetCourse, the number of leads that online school owners attracted using Telegram advertising has grown by 641% over the year.
✅ Telegram Ads has a simple and convenient advertising account. A minimal set of settings allows you to launch advertising in literally 10 minutes: just write the text, specify the budget and set up filters. Advertising is set up in three steps, even a beginner can handle it.
✅ When seeding, you have the opportunity to make a post of 1000–1500 characters, reveal an interesting topic, talk about the channel and product.
✅ No need to wait for moderation – you can post the same day.
❌ There is no single advertising market in Telegram. You will have to negotiate with each advertiser individually or look for channels on the exchange. The second option is faster, but more expensive – a commission is charged for access to the lists.
❌ For now, it only makes sense to advertise other channels in Telegram. Transitions from the messenger to a third-party site will cost more – the cost per action will be at least twice as high.
❌ There is still a lack of quality channels for placements.
❌ The downside of sowing is that everything needs to be done manually.
How Telegram Ads Works
To understand how to set up advertising in Telegram, let’s look at the main options of the account:
● Registration and budget
To launch advertising, the account must have 2 million euros, so this is often done through intermediaries. In this case, the advertiser will have to pay a commission: 20% of the transaction – to the messenger itself in the form of VAT, 15% – to the intermediary who provides access to the personal account. So the cost of advertising is 35% higher than the auction price. At the same time, the rate itself is constantly changing, and it is difficult to predict how much a subscriber will cost.
● Display model
Telegram Ads operates on the CPM model — they pay for 1,000 ad impressions. If the price for this number of views is lower than two euros, the ad will not run. Whether users see the ad or not depends on the first bid auction — the platform publishes the post of the advertiser who offered the highest price for the ad.
● Format
Text requirements: 160 characters, no Caps Lock, lists, or italics. It is prohibited to publish texts on certain topics, such as: gambling, alcohol, adult content, malware.
Another way to attract new users is to launch a bot ad. This is an automated assistant that can often do things that the messenger itself cannot: accept payments, hide personal data, decipher audio recordings. You can create and connect an assistant, for example, using the SaleBot constructor . And in the Telegram Ads account, you will need to perform the same actions as when advertising channels or sites: write the ad text and specify a working link.
There is no targeted advertising as such in Telegram – the messenger does not track the interests of users, but there are several filters in the advertising account:
1.● language – only Russian, but the creators promise to expand the list;
2.● subject – for example, you can choose “psychology” or “business” and exclude areas that are not suitable;
3.● channels – create a list of communities you want to place or exclude URLs of unsuitable ones.
Telegram lacks moderators, on average it can take up to two weeks to check a channel or bot, and 1-2 days for a post. Each post is checked separately.
How much does advertising in channels cost and how to buy it
Advertising in Telegram channels is an unregulated market, so the price starts from 500 rubles and can rise above 100,000 rubles. How much advertising in Telegram will cost depends on the size of the community, its niche and subject matter. Small entertainment channels can offer placements even for 50-100 rubles.
To understand what advertising cost can be considered acceptable, it is better to focus on the approximate cost per 1000 views in different niches:
1.● entertainment topics — 150–300 rubles;
2.● educational topics — 180–400 rubles;
3.● psychology — 500–1000 rubles;
4.● business — 700–2000 rubles;
5.● marketing and IT — from 1000 rubles;
6.● economics, investments — 2000–4000 rubles;
7.● cryptocurrency — from 6000 rubles.
‘s look at the example of a small community about marketing, how to buy advertising in Telegram. Marketing is one of the most expensive topics, the price per subscriber by default cannot be cheap. In addition, there are few thematic channels. Often, they are simply not enough to spend the advertising budget.
To buy advertising for a channel whose audience is marketers, it is not necessary to immediately go to popular channels of this topic: for example, “Russian Digital” or “Zucchini Caviar on Sale”. They can attract subscribers from cheaper topics and sell this audience as a marketing one.
The solution is to buy advertising not in industry channels, but in channels with a potentially suitable audience for the client. For example, in authorial political channels. Their audience is an active segment of the population that has money: IT specialists , marketers, businessmen. This way, you can reduce the price per subscriber by 2-3 times.
You can pay for the placement via Qiwi, YuMoney, PayPal or by bank transfer. Usually, the advertiser is required to make a full prepayment. To protect yourself from fraudsters, you can make a purchase on an exchange, for example, Telega.in. But then you will have to pay for the services that the exchange offers – a selection of channels, an individual promotion plan, a forecast of campaign results. These can be either one-time or package offers. The “Standard” tariff costs 120,000 rubles.
Previously, marketers actively bought advertising in public chats. Initially, the messenger did not have tools for analytics and user moderation. Therefore, companies began to use Telegram bots for advertising.
This method is not so popular now, but it is worth keeping in mind. You can negotiate the purchase with the channel administrator.
How to Launch Advertising in Telegram
There are three steps you need to take to start showing ads in Telegram Ads:
1. Log in
Enter the number linked to Telegram. Within a few seconds, a message will be sent to your account. You need to confirm the action and log in to your advertising account.
2. Create an ad
Write an engaging text and keep it to 160 characters. Specify the campaign name and the URL of the channel, publication or chatbot. You can also add the addresses of the channels where placement is a priority and remove all unsuitable options from the list. All that remains is to determine the price for 1000 impressions, and the ad is ready to launch.
3. Top up your personal account balance
Once all actions are completed, the finished ad will appear in the list of campaigns with the Stopped status.
Then you need to provide contact information and briefly describe the product that will be mentioned in the advertisement. Mark the language of the ads and indicate the approximate annual budget. Wait for a response from the moderator and top up the balance.
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How to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising
In Telegram, you can advertise your channel, personal blog on WordPress or assistant bot. The efficiency will be different for each ad placement. Advertising websites in Telegram is more expensive than promoting channels or bots: the cost per action will be at least twice as high. Three tools will help you evaluate the efficiency:
1. Google Analytics or Yandex Metrica
will help you track the effectiveness of advertising that leads to the site: cost per click, number of requests or leads.
2. Services for tracking the effectiveness of advertising placements
that lead to channels within Telegram: for example, Inviter Lemon . How it works:
● For each advertising placement, a separate invitation link is created and the cost of the advertising is indicated. This helps track how many people went to the channel after the placement.
● The service counts all new subscribers who follow the link and automatically determines the price per subscriber.
Invitation links are a standard setting that is inside the messenger itself. But many advertisers refuse to use it and turn to services for help. If a subscriber suddenly changes his mind and decides to unsubscribe from the channel, Telegram will not be able to take this into account, which means the statistics will be wrong.
3. Many advertisers use Excel
or Google spreadsheets to calculate the engagement rate — ERR (Engagement Rate by Reach). This helps predict how many subscribers may come to the channel.
4. The Telemetr service
is suitable for those who do not like to count ERR in a table. In it, you can select the channel of interest and see on a separate tab the places where the advertisement was placed, and the average number of subscribers who came after the placement. This way, you can assume how many people will come after your own integration.