In 2024, any business needs marketers: there are fewer advertising channels, and the competition is higher and it is more difficult to work in them. Let’s figure out which specializations are in demand.
Internet Marketer
Influencer Marketer
Brand manager
Traffic manager
Marketplace Manager
Expert advice
A marketer is responsible for the contact between the company and the consumer. But the range of marketing opportunities does not end with placing advertisements. In-demand and experienced specialists look wider:
— analyze profit, sales volume, cost per click and other metrics important for analytics;
— communicate with clients and conduct audience research;
— look for new promotion channels.
Our list of marketing professions will help you understand which direction is best for you and in which area you want to develop.
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Internet Marketer
Table of Contents
An Internet marketer primarily works to increase the company’s profits. In particular, he looks for ways to attract clients – so that cooperation is not expensive and is as effective as possible
Tasks: 1. Forecast demand based on market analysis. Research the target audience , monitor trends and be able to analyze them. There is no single solution, as there was 10-15 years ago, you need to experiment with different platforms and look for your own.
2. Develop a promotion strategy and quickly change it if sales are falling. This also works the other way around: if sales are growing, increase budgets for experiments.
3. Work with hypotheses: understand which tools will definitely work, and which will definitely not bring clients. For example, advertising on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki needs to be tested to understand whether there is a brand audience there.
Necessary skills for a junior marketer:
● Work with Google tables, VK advertising, Yandex Direct, Telegram Ads, Wordstat, Google Analytics, Yandex Metrica.
● Be able to find ineffective campaigns based on results and metrics and adjust the promotion strategy. ● Understand SMM,
content marketing and SERM – reputation management in search engines.
Requirements for candidates may vary. For example, some companies expect an internet marketer to know the basics of SEO and html.
Average salary:
In 2024, employers on HeadHunter offer internet marketers salaries from 85 to 250 thousand rubles. The same figures are published by the “Personnel Agency of Unique Specialists”.
Influencer Marketer
Selects bloggers and opinion leaders—experts in specific fields of knowledge, such as doctors—for PR or advertising placements on the platforms they run.
Brands are not always looking for an influencer marketer. In the Russian-speaking segment, this profession is also called a “blogger manager.”
1. Conduct a marketing analysis of the client’s niche and target audience and, based on the data obtained, develop a strategy for further promotion, taking into account the content format and advertising placement platforms.
2. Select opinion leaders — bloggers, celebrities, media personalities with a suitable audience. In case of successful cooperation, build long-term relationships: discuss discounts, special conditions for placement.
3. Develop creatives for advertisements and think through integration formats – delivery, sales funnels . For example, a brand places an advertisement with a blogger and on the same day publishes a post introducing the most popular posts on the channel on its social networks.
Necessary skills:
● Knowledge of SMM: understand the specifics of working in each social network and take them into account when working with opinion leaders.
● Know how to use tools for analytics and creating creatives. Popular services include: Google Analytics, Yandex Metrica, Brand Analytics, Popsters, Snapseed, InShot, neural networks.
1.● Copywriting skills: be able to write texts yourself or set technical specifications for a copywriter.
2.● Be able to work in a team.
3.● Possess persuasion skills.
4.● Creative thinking that will help you find non-standard solutions.
5.● Flexibility — the ability to adapt to the situation.
Average salary:
According to HeadHunter , blogger managers can expect a salary of 30 to 200 thousand rubles. This range is due to the fact that the profession is new and the requirements for such a specialist are different for all companies.
Brand manager
A brand manager manages a company’s or product’s brand to strengthen its position in the marketplace and increase its value.
Tasks :
1. Analyze the competitors’ market, identify their strengths and weaknesses, determine the brand segment and points of contact with a potential buyer – digital and offline channels.
2. Choose effective promotion channels. Launch advertising campaigns, work with brand ambassadors.
3. Build business processes and manage a team. Designers, copywriters, and sales managers are involved in the work on brand development, so you need to set tasks, monitor their implementation, and communicate with contractors.
Necessary skills:
● Critical thinking . Most of the time, a brand manager works with hypotheses: makes an assumption and then tests it – either independently or with the help of analysts.
● Creativity – the ability to generate new ideas, present and defend them. A brand manager often has to think outside the box to differentiate themselves from competitors and find the best options for brand promotion.
● Ability to manage a team . Conduct negotiations, build a systematic approach to work, select competent contractors.
Average salary:
According to HeadHunter , at the start of a career, a brand manager can expect to earn 50 thousand rubles; according to KAUS, the minimum salary for a newcomer is higher – 90 thousand rubles.
Traffic manager
Sets up online advertising in social networks and search engines based on data analysis. Writes media plans, studies the target audience.
Tasks :
1. Attract potential clients to the site using contextual and targeted advertising.
2. Conduct advertising campaigns, analyze results, scale successful advertising campaigns.
Necessary skills:
1.● Be able to work with Yandex Metrica, Yandex Direct, Google Ads, Tilda, Google My Business, Yandex Business.
2.● Know how targeted advertising works on social networks .
3.● Analytical thinking – it is important to constantly experiment with different advertising platforms and optimize the results obtained.
4.● Learn quickly and work in a team.
5.● Negotiate.
Average salary:
According to RealHR , a junior traffic manager earns from 50,000 ₽, a middle one – from 110,000 ₽, and a senior one – from 160,000 ₽.
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Marketplace Manager
Places products on marketplaces and online platforms, promotes them by studying the tools inside these platforms, and provides customer service — makes sure the buyer comes back. For example, works with reviews.
1. Launch sales and manage businesses on Yandex Market, Wildberries, Ozon, SberMegaMarket, Lamoda.
2. Create a sales plan, evaluate the profitability of goods, deal with logistics, communicate with clients and contractors.
3. Work with financial reports and calculate unit economics – an indicator of the success of one unit: for example, how much the company earns from one client.
Necessary skills:
● Know how to create product cards: make descriptions selling, understand SEO .
● Be able to work with advertising tools of marketplaces – for example, know how to raise a product in the search results .
Average salary:
Depends on the level of competence – according to HeadHunter , on average from 60 to 100 thousand rubles.